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Making the first video: a full guide from editing to publishing on YouTube

12 Aug, 2021

Work on video is one of the most fun parts of vlogging. Actually, it’s what vlogging is all about. Today we will guide your future video through all the necessary stages: from uploading material to media to publishing and final editing on YouTube.

Stage 1: work with materials

The first thing we do after bringing the footage to a computer or hard drive is selection. It’s impossible to film a lively and vivid video on the first take. Therefore, you need to have several hours of video materials. Well, it all depends on how large your video will be. It is important to select the most favorable perspective views and the most successful jokes during the first stage.

No matter if you film on a camera or on a mobile phone to make your work easier - delete undesired videos instantly. This will save you a lot of time. If it turns out that a long unsuccessful video has a small important piece, make a note indicating the time and name it.

Stage 2: work in the program

Editing is a rather diligent part, but you don't have to be a professional to edit. Use simple slicing and apply visual effects.

The notes you make in your notebook during filming will help you arrange the material in the correct order instead of wasting time on revision. Take this as a rule.

What's important to know here is that the shorter the video, the more interesting it will be for your audience. Don’t feel sorry about deleting moments with jokes, unnecessary explanations, or deviations from the topic. Unsuccessful takes, by the way, are very good, but they are not appropriate in all genres. It is better to make a separate video on this to cheer up subscribers.

Stage 3: sound and visual effects

This is the last stage in working with the software. We add color correction, musical and sound background. We should add stickers when we have a full-fledged picture of the vlog.

If your vlog is about music, make sure you use the available tracks. What do we mean? It is crucial not to violate copyright and not spoil the channel's rating, so we use music without copyright for our videos.

Where can I find it?

  • YouTube Music Library;
  • Free music websites;
  • Make your own tracks.

Regarding visual effects, please add a bright intro, titles, video transitions, and animations, but be careful. While editing you can easily overload the video. In this case, the viewer will be distracted by the visual effects no matter how good and meaningful your video is. We need to add some aesthetic appearance but don’t play with it too much.

Stage 4: uploading video on YouTube

Is there something people may not know? Exactly!

It takes some time to export videos from the program. Again, it all depends on how long your video is. During it, something may not be saved correctly, you may miss some details. Thus, we recommend you rewatch the final version in the first place before uploading.

If the program features direct export to YouTube, please use it, but don’t ignore viewing the video either. While the upload is being processed, you have the opportunity to adjust the final points. By the way, video hosting has a small editor, so you can hide the video and make some adjustments like cropping, replacing the audio track, blurring the object and adding an end screen saver.

We wish you success in your channel development, as well as cool, bright, and attractive editing!


Sasha Lerman

Copywriter, writer, editor. Development and promotion on YouTube, as well as many other exciting topics.

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